Social Events at Whitby Yacht Club

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Social Events at Whitby Yacht Club

PLEASE NOTE  -  The Clubhouse is  open during the winter at 20.00 from Friday 25th October. Look out for earlier opening times for events. New events and updates being emailed to members and posted here, as they become available.

Social Calendar Winter 24-25

DateClub OpeningEvent Details
Friday 22nd Nov20.00Bar Open. Cheese and Biscuits
Saturday 23rd NovClosed Horse Racing Night Postponed
Friday 29th Nov20.00Bar Open. Cheese and Biscuits
Saturday 30th Nov19.00Christmas Tree Decorating , Laura's Music Lounge with Lasagna, Garlic Bread and insalatta. Christmas Dinner preparations at 22.00. Food Booking Required
Sunday 1st Dec10.00AGM & Christmas Lunch
Friday 6th Dec20.00Bar Open
Saturday 7h DecClosed
Friday 13th DecClosed
Saturday 14th Dec19.30Songs, Carols & Mince Pies. (wreath making if we have a volunteer tooraganise).
Friday 20th Dec20.00Bar Open. Cheese and Biscuits
Saturday 21st DecClosed
Friday 27th DecClosed
Saturday 28th DecClosed
Tuesday 31st Dec20.00New Year’s Eve Disco Celebrations. Pulled Pork Sandwiches, nibbles and festive deserts. £10 per head. Food Booking required.
Friday 3rd JanClosed
Saturday 4th JanClosed
Friday 10th Jan20.00Bar Open
Saturday 11th JanClosed
Friday 17th Jan20.00Bar Open
Saturday 18th JanClosed
Friday 24th Jan20.00Burns Night Practice
Saturday 25th Jan19.00Burns Night; Traditional Burns Night Supper. Booking required. £15.00 per head
Friday 31st JanClosed
Saturday 1st FebClosed
Friday 7th Feb20.00Bar Open
Saturday 8th FebClosed
Friday 14th Feb20.00
Saturday 15th Feb19.30Valentines Night
Friday 21st Feb20.00
Saturday 22nd FebClosed
Friday 28th Feb 20.00
Saturday 1st MarTBASpring Fling
Friday 7th Mar 20.00Bar Open
Saturday 8th Mar Closed
Friday 14th Mar20.00Bar Open
Saturday 15th Mar17.30North Sea Sessions, Pie & peas, live traditional music, not to be missed.
Friday 21st Mar20.00Bar Open
Saturday 22nd Mar OpenEvent/Talk Racing Rules
Friday 28th Mar20.00Bar Open
Saturday 29th Mar20.00Bar Open
Friday 4th AprilTBAPast Commodores Dinner
Saturday 5th April 20.00Bar Open

Please note: all dates and times are correct at the time of going to press. Any changes will be posted here and e-mail notifications sent out to members. Updates will also appear on our Facebook page

For details on any of the above events, please contact: Rear Commodore House on